Sponsoring Nurses to practice in the United States. All Expenses covered!
Our team partners with highly specialized legal, financial, and immigration teams to ensure a streamlined and transparent process for nurses and our healthcare partners.
All of our partners were chosen as they are the best in the business and good people. They care deeply about helping all around them.
Amount we invest in every candidate before they come to US.
Candidates we vet for each open nursing position.
Altrix Global is an international group that was built by David Engle out of Portland,Maine. The group was built with the idea of how to help 1,000 individuals immigrate to the US to elevate their lives, the lives of their families, and provide a solution to the healthcare understaffing issue plaguing Maine and New England.
David is a life-long founder, building companies that give back and look to do good in their communities. Past businesses have helped to reduce 100m+ pounds of waste from landfill, provide jobs to 2,000+ mentally and physically disabled individuals, and more.
At Altrix Global, we put people first and foremost. Without good and caring people, we don't have customers nor employees.